

Carol Rees Parrish, MS, RDN 

FOUNDER and co-director | GI Nutrition Support Specialist

Carol is a GI Nutrition Support Specialist with 42 years of clinical experience; 32 of which were specializing in nutrition support and complex GI disorders at UVA Health in Charlottesville, VA. She founded the Medicine Nutrition Support Service in 1991, the home nutrition support program in 1995, along with developing the GI Nutrition Clinic. In an effort to share her vast experiences and teachings of many mentors over the years, she co-founded the UVA Health’s Nutrition Support Traineeship, Weekend Warrior, and Webinar educational programs. She was the nutrition series editor for the popular Practical Gastroenterology Journal's Nutrition Series from January 2003 until December 2022, having published 228 articles in the series. She has also written many articles, abstracts, and chapters, and given well over 300 presentations at local, state, regional, national, and international conferences. Carol’s passion for GI and nutrition support includes the care of those with short bowel syndrome and other malabsorptive disorders, high output ileostomies, enteral and parenteral nutrition, hydration in the enterally-fed patient, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, pancreatitis, gastroparesis, refeeding syndrome and Wernicke’s Encephalopathy, and many others. She is the author of, “The Adult Patient’s Guide to Managing a Short Bowel” and co-author of “A Kid’s Guide to Managing Short Bowel Syndrome.” She was awarded the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) Distinguished Nutrition Support Dietitian Advanced Clinical Practice Award in 2006, the Dietitians in Nutrition Support DPG Distinguished Practice Award of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2012, and the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral (ASPEN) Excellence in Nutrition Support Education Award in 2021.


Kristen M. Roberts, PhD, RDN, LD, CNSC, FAND, FASPEN

co-director I Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine

Kristen Roberts is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with nearly 20 years clinical experience in gastrointestinal failure, gut rehabilitation and nutrition support. Currently, she holds a joint appointment within the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The Ohio State University as an Associate Professor. Her clinical expertise is caring for patients with various GI illnesses, including dysmotility and malabsorptive syndromes. Prior to her employment with OSU, Kristen completed her PhD in Human Nutrition with a specialization in biomedical clinical and translational science and she has an active research program understanding the impact of dietary patterns on chronic inflammatory conditions such as chronic pancreatitis. She is a fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician and serves as the Deputy Editor for Nutrition in Clinical Practice.


 Guest Lecturers


Britta Brown, MS, RD, LD, CNSC

critical care Nutrition support specialist

Britta Brown, MS, RD, LD, CNSC is a clinical dietitian at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, MN. She works in the medical intensive care and general medicine units and places bedside feeding tubes. She has written and presented on the topics of critical care nutrition support, ethics and end of life care, nutrition-focused physical assessment, malnutrition, and bedside feeding tube placement.

Britta enjoys various professional volunteer roles. She is a former Chair of the Dietitians in Nutrition Support practice group and a member of the ASPEN Enteral Nutrition Committee. She is the recipient of the Academy and Dietetics’ Excellence in Clinical Nutrition practice award (2023). Outside of work, she enjoys chauffeuring her children to sporting events, cooking with her husband, walking the dog, and trying to run marathons.



Cynthia Yoshida, MD

physician | gastroenterologist

Cynthia is a professor of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the University of Virginia Medical Center. She received the UVA Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence and the Dean's Award for Clinical Excellence. Dr. Yoshida is a board-certified gastroenterologist and fellow of the American Gastroenterological Association. Dr. Yoshida has chaired and served on a number of committees for the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA). She is an active member of the American College of Gastroenterology and American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). She has been an invited speaker to numerous national and international conferences and endoscopy courses, invited faculty for the ASGE STAR Colonoscopy Endoscopic Mucosal Resection course and course director for the AGA Postgraduate Course and the ASGE Ambassador Program to Romania. Her early career focused on gastroenterology (GI) diseases in women. She was director of UVA's Women's GI Clinic (one of the first women's GI clinics in the nation) and author of No More Digestive Problems, the AGA's first consumer book specifically designed to address women's digestive health. Over the last fifteen years, Dr. Yoshida has specialized in colorectal (CRC) screening exclusively with a focus on colonoscopy, advanced polypectomy techniques and endoscopy quality. As a leading advocate for and practitioner of colorectal cancer care, Dr. Yoshida serves as the medical lead for UVA's leading-edge colorectal cancer screening program.

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Amy Berry, MS, RD, CNSC


Amy began her specialization of nutrition support in GI surgical patients when she worked at the Medical University of South Carolina. After accepting a position on the Surgical Nutrition Support Team at the University of Virginia, she moved back home to Charlottesville VA in 2009. There, she began specializing in working with the pancreatic surgery team; seeing their patients post discharge as well as collecting data on these patients. In 2017, this led to the creation of a full-time nutrition support position with UVA’s cancer center, working both inpatient and outpatient to provide these patients continuity of nutritional care. In 2021, she accepted a position at the Roper St Francis Cancer Center, moving back to sunny Charleston SC. She continues her work there advocating for comprehensive outpatient nutritional care for PEG and J-tube cancer patients. She has written multiple papers and presented on these topics at FNCE and Clinical Nutrition Week, as well as presenting for the Dietitians in Nutrition Support and Oncology Nutrition practice groups for the Academy. She received the 2019 award for Excellence in Clinical Practice by the Dietitians in Nutrition Support practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, as well as the 2019 Academy’s Foundation Abbott Nutrition Malnutrition Award, given to nutrition clinicians making a significant contribution in malnutrition awareness.


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